If It’s Not a Hell Yes, It’s a Hell No

I heard this saying a while back, “If It’s Not a Hell Yes, It’s a Hell No.” and it has stuck with me ever since. When I tell you I was that girl that said yes to working holiday’s for other coworkers, stretching myself to thin to please others, trying to fit in places where I knew I didn’t belong; I WAS SO THAT GIRL. I started asking myself the question, “Why do I feel obligated to do these things?” How as humans did we get to this place of we HAVE to do things for everyone else, but neglect ourselves in the process? Well friend, if you don’t feel comfortable telling people hell no, here is some reasoning on addressing that elephant in the room and protecting your peace at the same time.

Ask yourself, if I decide to do this, how will this benefit me? This may seem like a narcissistic question, but again, we are living in a time where we as a whole, in my opinion, feel pressured to please other people or constantly seek approval from others. A great example would be: It’s Friday night, you’ve worked all week and haven’t seen your friends. Your friends want to go out and have fun after a crazy week, but you’re low-key tired and would rather stay in and order Chinese food. You can view this scenario as, “Hey, I've worked all week and haven’t seen my friends in a while so hanging out with them would be nice.” Or, “Hey, I’ve worked all week and the last thing I want to do right now is be around more people because I'm just tired.”

This is how we get to the place of, If It’s Not a Hell Yes, It’s a Hell no.

You have every right to feel something about either scenario, but one scenario includes people, and the other includes yourself. The point I’m making here is, you need to protect your peace and rest when you feel inclined to do so. We are living in a time where things just feel like they have to happen so fast, social media is the biggest it has ever been, and the culture can become toxic if you let it. This is the perfect time to reprogram your thoughts and recenter your energy to align with what you truly want. At Eleventh Hour Candle & Co., we want you all to feel supported in choosing yourself because so many times we are told not to. Or if we choose ourselves for only a moment, we need to get right back into doing things for others instantly.

Just know we hear you, we appreciate you, and we support you in taking that Eleventh Hour for yourself. The next time you have to do something and it makes you feel uncomfortable, say to yourself, "If It’s Not a Hell Yes, It’s a Hell No”.


5 Tips For People Who Need to Chill The Fuck Out