5 Tips For People Who Need to Chill The Fuck Out

I’m writing this article at a time in my life where nothing is perfect and the daily anxiety has set in deep. I started experiencing panic attacks last month from getting divorced, moving to Florida to be closer to my family because my grandparents were sick, all while trying to start a candle business and a new nursing contract because, bills baby. We talk a lot about recognizing how people struggle with putting themselves first throughout this website and one thing I can say, smelling some wax today after I cried helped a lot. Sad girls need happy wax ya know? But let’s get into 5 tips that have helped me Chill The Fuck Out and I hope these tips can help you too.

Tip 1:

As much as you don’t want to talk about it, TALK ABOUT IT. I have never in my life experienced panic attacks before and it was a really scary thing for me. I’m 29 and I feel like I’ve been able to adapt and go with the flow, but sometimes the water can be very rocky and treacherous and you can’t go through it on your own. Talking to my friends helped a lot because they were able to offer support that I didn’t think I had.

Tip 2:

GET THE HELL OFF SOCIAL MEDIA! Literally go outside, take a walk, take a drive. But get off of your phone so you can live in reality for a moment. Social media has pros and cons, but too much can be so detrimental for your health and make your anxiety worse. I find personally that the more time I spend on social media, I start comparing myself to others, I am influenced in buying things I don’t need, and I just waste a lot of time scrolling because it does get addicting.

Tip 3:

CALL IN BESTIE. Hear me out on this, there are days where you NEED to take a mental health day off and we support that for you. Sometimes we get caught up in I’ll just pick up a shift, or I’ll just work a day at my second job and this “here and there” can slowly turn into a routine. Before you know it, you’ve over extended yourself and your mental health is now becoming affected. Really though, we have to learn how to manage our time and say if it’s not a hell yes, it’s a hell no. Don’t over extend yourself when you know you need some rest.

Tip 4:

MOVE YOUR BODY! You don’t need to go extreme and lift heavy weights or run a marathon, but literally get up and move. Do some stretching, yoga, go for a walk or run, but try to move your body and work up a little sweat. When I was getting ready for my move to Florida, I was experiencing a lot of depression in leaving my old life behind, towing a uhaul trailer by myself, and I had no motivation to lift weights at all. One thing that made me happy was taking hot yoga classes at my local Yoga Pod. If it’s hard for you right now to have a workout routine, don’t push it! Start with a simple walk and go from there.

Tip 5:

I hate to journal, but I will say it, JOURNAL! There are some people that writing helps them calm down, gather their thoughts, and be able to keep them focused. I am that person who buys a journal, uses it a few times, and then it collects dust. I can say, that when I do journal, especially journals that have prompts for you to do, it is helpful for me. I’m just terrible at staying consistent with them, but it may be different for you!

We hope that at least one of these tips can help you chill out and reset your mind if not more. Just remember that each day brings us a new opportunity in starting over or continuing on the journey that we choose. If you need a break, TAKE IT!


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If It’s Not a Hell Yes, It’s a Hell No