Struggling With What Your Calling Could Be? These 3 Tips Just Might Get You There

I probably question what my calling is at least every other week. Good news is, if you do too, you’re not alone! I was talking to a friend of mine the other day and I said to them, “It’s funny how when we were in high school, all we did was focus on that. Now, that we’re older (I’m 29) we work all day sometimes 5 days a week just to get to the weekend and feel exhausted.” As you can see, I promised you that you wouldn't be alone in this thought!

Tip 1:

Get to know who you are. Sit down alone, no phone, no social media, and have that conversation with yourself. What do you like? What are your passions? What gets you out of bed in the morning? If you have hobbies, explore why you choose those hobbies and how do you feel when you get an opportunity to pursue them? Candle and tart wax making was a hobby of mine. When I make wax products, I put on my favorite music, my apron, and literally go to town. It was the escape I needed to disconnect from nursing and chill the fuck out.

Tip 2:

Now that we’ve had some deep conversations with ourselves, let’s act on it! For some people, they may thrive being around others and working in a field where they feel like they’re helping. Example: jobs in the medical field, teaching, something where you can give back to the community. For others, they may thrive in solitude. Example: being an entrepreneur, an accountant, or a job in web design/ social media. Whatever category you feel that you fit into, tap into that!

Tip 3:

Go forth and be confident in your decision. The best thing about life, is that you may be called to do something for a season. Just like seasons, they always change, and you simply may be called to do something else! Just because you went to school and got a degree in business, doesn't mean for the rest of your life you have to work in a business field. Believe it or not, you are allowed to change your mind and pursue other things. This is your sign that if you’ve been thinking about changing career paths, DO IT! Ask yourself, what’s the worst that could happen? In what ever life has called you to do, be confident, but always remember to trust your gut and follow your heart.


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